Ready Get Up And Good Morning | Pooh |

Ready Get Up And Good Morning

Testo Ready Get Up And Good Morning

Ready get up and good morning
take a lock at a day of forever
world I‘m giving you more than fair warning
that I‘m getting my motion together
and I‘m coming thru here I go.
Joggin‘ at five for an hour
and at six do some deep meditation
gonna have a good breakfast at seven
and by eight i‘ll be down at the station
I‘ll be at the office at nine.
Writing some words and some music
turn the radio on and just listen
get a winner idea and don‘t lose it
‘cause from this moment on I‘m insistin‘
on writing a hit song a day.
Life is a song for song writers
I‘m a writer of song‘s and i love it
just in making it all come together
is the boy of my life with none above it
lunch break at noon and I‘m ready
to write on with a some new inspiration
and work on till I get it completed
then I pack up my things head for the station.
Back on the train for some dreamin‘
I get home by a quarter to seven
make a date for some dinner and groovin‘
then get rack into bed ‘bout eleven
a little tv and to sleep.
Ready get up and good morning
take a lock at a day of forever
world I‘m giving you more than fair warning
that I‘m getting my motion together
and I‘m coming thru here I go.

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